Again with the Internet issues... it'll
be more consistent during the week time and less during the weekend-
merely because I'd rather spend my mornings doing things on the
weekend that are not on a computer, but I have a computer-y job, so
on the weekdays it's good;)
So, my first bag has arrived at
home.... The Youth Pastor from my church came to visit and took a bag
home for me. I honestly don't know him hardly at all, but was glad to
host him, as I was sure he'd do fine without any hand holding, and he
was:) Some people looked down on me for this, saying I was a bad
host, but, when you've got a visitor who is a person who likes to do
their own thing, I think I did what I could and he did the rest.
Thursday, our ship shop got lots of new
crafts in, so I swooped in. A woman who has lived locally with her
family since the 80s provides an amazing service to our ship by going
to the market for us to provide us fair prices for items right here
in our home, as it can be difficult to navigate markets for those who
don’t know markets.... or if you're like me and just don't love
going all the way out to the market to argue. I like bartering, but
this is WAY more convenient. Thursday, I went and Got as many things
as I could that I thought would be amazing gifts, or even things for
my future home(a SWEET carved stool). Then I proceeded to wrap
everything up tightly in the fabric I had and padded it all with bags
I was sending home and it was off. It'll be interesting to see when I
get home how much of the stuff I take back is mine versus gifts...
I'm so excited about some of these gifts, and I have gifts for people
from Togo AND Guinea!!! So my blessing in all of this was that I got
a bag sent home for free and it is chock full of things to give to
other people when I get home.
This put a bit of a reality check on my
shoulders... 1st bag home.... I got 2 boxes sent with
books and such that would be too heavy to get back, but I simply
cannot part with(my Israel books, journals, etc) and more gifts. I
leave in less than 3 months now.
Out of fairness to all of you, let me
explain my coming home. I don't really plan on telling many people
what date I'm getting home. This is merely so that I am not
bombarded. The first week home, I need to take care of me, have some
time alone, reflect, get over some culture clash issues and
re-connect with my family and my closest friends. Then, I'll head out
to see my sister, if the time is right, to meet my new sweet nephew
James:) I'll be there as long as she wants me to stay. From then
until the first week of July, I'll be home and fair game, but just so
that you understand when I post “I'm HOMMEE” and you say, but why
didn’t' you tell us you were coming this week... that's why... :)
Though, you church people will be in for a fun surprise the week I do
come home, as I will go to church and see all of you:)
Another blessing that happened today,
rather than earlier in the week, is cabin church. Cabin church is
something my friends created. They have a baby, thus making it
difficult to get off ship to go to a local church. So, we download a
podcast from my friend's Church and listen in on that each week. We
worship, listen, and share. This week was especially exciting for me,
as the pastor caught my attention early on. At first he said, “I'm
going to mess around and joke about something today... don't get mad
at me for it, but I hate musicals..... well... actually there is 1
that is exceptional that I'll mention today.... Les Miserables.” He
had me yelling in anger and cheering in joy within the minute. Sorry
to anyone who had no idea what was going on:) This time with my
friends has been excellent- time to be with others- a smaller group-
and dig into God's word is exciting- we're doing Hebrews- a
surprisingly LOADED book.
Right afterward, I realized I hadn't
made myself a lunch. On weekends, we have breakfast and dinner
provided, but not lunch, so you're supposed to pack a lunch at
breakfast. It completely slipped my mind this morning as I wanted to
rush to open the cafe for an hour before church- I love being a
barista for an hour a week...:) I mentioned I forgot this detail, and
my friend whipped out a PBJ sandwich. She said, “My husband will
probably get food made for him anyway, so here- have one.' Thankfully
I decided jelly and PB were allowed during lent- jelly only once in a
while though. Her husband is from Liberia, and there's an incredible
woman on board who is also from Liberia who loves making African food
for her friends- especially on the weekends when we're limited to
sandwiches. At this moment I was eternally grateful.
I made my way back to the cabin and set
up shop to edit a film. I'll go into more detail about this another
time, but one of my awesome 12 year old friends and I decided to make
a film, and today was the editing day. Surprisingly, it took less
time to edit the film than to record the song that goes with it...
it's an Musical Comedy Parody of sorts. I sat on my bed, ate my
sandwich and edited, realizing after a few minutes I needed 1 more
scene, running to reception, and filming my friend Femi pretending to
make an announcement- THANK YOU FEMI!!!:) Then.. it was done... I
truly felt blessed the process was smooth- in the past it hasn't
always been, but this time was easy cheese. Then I layed down for a
nap. I always intend to sleep for a short time. Today I knew I
needed more sleep, since I didn't sleep well the past few night so I
was going to allow an hour and ½... turned into 2 hours because a
migraine crept in during the nap, but boy was I thankful that I was
able to have a CHILL Sunday for once that I truly enjoyed... it
almost felt like home:)
Then I had dinner with my friends and
church on the ship. Now sometimes church 2 times in a day is too
much, but tonight, I was feeling a little better from my migraine, so
I went. I was SO thankful I went. It was wonderful. The songs really
touched me where I am, a friend of mine is making a mosaic scene for
Easter, where she puts another batch of pieces of tissue paper on the
board each week during worship. So intricate and precise- it was
refreshing to see another form of worship. Reminds me of those people
who draw incredible pictures reflecting scripture during worship...
then I was in for a surprise. One of my friends was speaking, who I
haven't heard speak in a LONG time.
The topic: the battlefield of the mind-
that truth comes from God's word and Satan loves feeding us lies
that quickly become our reality because we allow them to and we are
not rooted in the word... guess what a friend I had a deep
conversation about yesterday? Guess what I'd heard during cabin
church? Guess what I heard on the TV after church as I cut up a
mango? All the same thing..... I knew this was no mistake and that I
need to take it seriously- Satan REALLLY loves using my thoughts to
freak me out- he's really gotten it down pat...... but I need to stop
letting him...I need to ground myself. Guess what my new goal is?
Praise God for directing me and giving me clear direction in what I
need to be doing.... Awesome!!!!!!
God is so good, people... like...
truly... I'm learning so much and so thankful. This season is one of
growing and with it comes growing pains, but even flowers have to get
through all of the dirt before they can spring up and grow, then
bloom(thanks Beth Moore for the quote). I am blessed... SO blessed.
Thanks, God... you are incredible.
I'm looking forward to Easter now more
than ever.