Hey everyone! I just wanted to post quickly that I have finally completely updated my webpage: http://triptoafricams.weebly.com/index.html and I now have a facebook page that you should all become fans on(http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=126230187387418&ref=ts#!/pages/Michelles-Trip-to-Africa/112246238821656?ref=ts).
Fundraising is in full swing(or as much as it can be with me 2.5 hours from home). Please consider supporting me either financially or through encouragement or prayer.
I hope you're all well. I"m heading into Session 4 of Dragonfly Forest, which is Hemotology!
Ps- if you haven't already, vote for Dragonfly on Chase Community Giving- only 3 days left and it'd change lives if we won any of the monetary prizes. It cost 70,000 alone to rent the facility we are using let alone all of the supplies. Thanks!