Okay- so, a quick update, then a question for all of you out there.
So, I'm procrastinating writing my Cultural Anthropology paper, which would be super easy if I just did it. Anyway, since school has started and my last post, the only major thing that I feel like sharing to the public is the lovely 40+ inches of snow we got in a week.

We knew the storm, which started Friday the 5th, would be a doozy, but we had no idea we would be getting 2 huge storms in a row. In light of the storm, I decided to stay on campus in order to hang out with my friends. That night, I had some people over for a 'pot-luck' style dinner, which was a blast. Wish people stayed a little later, but alas, they could not. It was still fun:) The rest of the week seemed to be a bust. I forgot that 3/4 of my friends live down the hill a bit from me, and therefore were pretty much unreachable, which really disappointed me, so for the second storm, I went home.
It was nice to go home and see my family- especially little man Jordan:) We never lost power(thanks to Columbia's underground power system) and just tried not to annoy eachother. But, alas, my lack of sleep due to nightmares kinda ruined that. I decided to come back to campus Thursday night because I was just grumpy, plus we didn't know if we'd have school the next morning. It was good that I got back, because I ended up getting some muuuch needed friend time:)

Anyway, other than that and the bad dreams which prevented a normal night's sleep for over 5 days, nothing too interesting has happened. Just pushing through my work, which is proving to be quite overwhelming at times, though manageable as long as I'm good at not getting off-track horrible. Saturdays save my tail most times, though this Saturday is devoted to the Linehan trip, so we'll see. We're going to DC this weekend:) Yay! Gonna be good times with a good friend or two:)
As for other things- Into the Woods is fullll swing now and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm playing Jack's Mother, which is a bit of an upgrade from my original roles(I was cast as Stepmother and Granny). God Bless the person who dropped:) So that's been a nice distraction from previous rejections this semester.
Thinking a lot about after graduation and scared of what is to some, but I know things will work out perfectly. Nervous about my Child Life stuff, but if I dont get certified until I come home, so be it:) Maybe that's not what I need to be doing- who knows.
Anyway- I have a challenge for you all... dun, dun dun, yes a challenge. I'd LOVE to have some kind of weekly or semi- frequent challenge for myself, and am trying to come up with some kind of fun activity to do and then write about every time I do it. Kinda Julie and Julia style (PS LOVE THAT MOVIE- if you havent seen it, PLEASE do). I need suggestions though. Knowing me, just suggest something that you know I'd love to do. Some ideas might include: Watch a movie a week/every other week and write some kind of review, bake something and write about it, try a new recipe a week from some magazine or something and write about it, read a book a month and write about it... something like that? Ideas? Come up with new ones too if you want;)
I'm gonna go work on that paper now:)
Leave me comments on the challenge... pleasee??